Here we go!
We are moving to the software center rigth now!
A lot of boxes are in the office, and a voice from my boss: "Company it's shutdown now! Company it's shutdown now!"
The epoch it's now! The monday i hope post happy news :)
We are moving to the software center rigth now!
A lot of boxes are in the office, and a voice from my boss: "Company it's shutdown now! Company it's shutdown now!"
The epoch it's now! The monday i hope post happy news :)
by Mahomedalid Ivan Pacheco Morelos 0 comments
These days, only the ultimate details. Design of the door in the new office, dates of the inauguration (with the president of the republic, Vicente Fox Quezada), american reporters for the press cover, chairs, photos, requirements for the parking space, etc.
It's so exciting! I pick my new office close to the corridor glass (my choice it's actually because i want to see the people of other enterprise -maybe a beauty girl!- (=< )
All the business offices will be constructed with a elegant glass and ultimate technology, something amazing for be a effort from the Mexico goverment.
A really slow days, with a exciting calm :)
This is a photo taked in July 4.
by Mahomedalid Ivan Pacheco Morelos 0 comments
This is my first blog in english. So, sorry for the posible mistakes in my grammar or vocabulary, my native language it's spanish.
But, what about this blog? Ok, let me see. Do you know what is Mexico IT?
Mexico-IT ( it's a effort from the Economy Department in the Mexican goverment to catch the IT american investment in Mexico.
The world is full of choices for IT Services and the nearest selection for meeting your company's IT needs is Mexico. Yes. No one is closer than us.
by Mahomedalid Ivan Pacheco Morelos 0 comments